French utility EDF plans to cut operating costs by €500 million (US$587.7 million) up to 2022, and aims to generate €3 billion...
French utility EDF on Wednesday raised its nuclear power generation forecast for 2020, to between 315 TWh and 325 TWh, from 300 TW...
2021年最简单的上外网方法:2021年最简单的上外网方法 - 因为一些众所周知的原因,国外的许多站点都已经打不开了,我们发现在2021年,越来越多的国内科学上网软件都倒闭了,即使偶尔坚持下来的几款科学上网软件,也是三天两头的打不开,在使用了多款国内科学上网软件以后,现在对于国内的科学上网软件基本上已经失望 ...
Unit 5 of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant in China's Jiangsu province has attained a sustained chain reaction for the first time....
ASX-listed Paladin Energy Limited was pleased to announce results of the Langer Heinrich Mine Restart Plan during the quarter, whi...
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